Radon Testing

What Is Radon Testing?

⭐️ Keep yourself and your family safe from radon a dangerous gas.

⭐️ A simple radon test can determine the level of radon in your home.

⭐️ The turnaround time on a radon test is not long.

⭐️ Radon testing is not expensive.

⭐️ Radon testing provides crucial information and feedback regarding if a mitigation system should be Installed to reduce the radon level in the home.

⭐️ It is recommended that you have your home tested every two years since radon levels can change over time.

⭐️ Even if your home has a radon mitigation system installed it is recommended that you have your home tested every two years to ensure that the radon medication system is working properly. The only way you can tell if the mitigation system is working properly is to have a radon test done.

⭐️ The only way you can find out the level of radon in your home is by doing a radon test.

⭐️ The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recommends that all homes be tested for radon.

⭐️ The EPA estimates that between 15,000 and 22,000 of the 125,000 annual deaths from lung cancer may be attributable to radon exposure. In New Jersey, of the annual 4,700 lung cancer deaths, as many as 140-250 may be associated with radon exposure.